This chapter will piece together the story of the next most recently created continental tectonic plate, Eastern North America.

As I was readying the first edition of this book, I forced myself to look more closely at South America and its origins. Instead of finding an old continent that was too old to explain, I found that South America didn't exist as a separate continent until 132 MYA.

I had assumed that both North America and South America were actually really old continents (some of their craters date back well before 250 MYA) that had been conjoined with Eurasia through the subduction mechanism and then were knocked away when the slow motion crash of Siberia into Eurasia occurred approximately 200 MYA.

Now I had discovered that South America didn't even exist as a separate continent until 132 MYA.

What about North America?


Well, North America is complicated. Very complicated.

To begin with, North America consists of a combination of parts of three different tectonic plates.

First, there is the Eastern American Plate, which came into existence approximately 202 MYA at the end-Triassic extinction. This plate remained partially attached to the European Plate until it was completely jolted loose by the Chicxulub impact 65 MYA. This Eastern American Plate moved to the northwest (or moved somewhat north but mostly west at the lower latitudes) until it ran into the tail end of the Siberian Plate.

This makes the tail end of the Siberian Plate the next player in the drama. The Siberian Plate had been moving north and west and splitting into three different parts as it tried to make a hard left turn as it neared the North Pole. It had been making this journey since 250 MYA.

By the time the tail end of the Siberian Continent was finally reaching the middle latitudes about 70 to 80 MYA, the relatively new Eastern North American Continent came out of the east and ran into it, beginning the Laramide Orogeny (the raising up of the high plains and the Rocky Mountains).

This tip of the Siberian tail eventually broke off and remained lodged between the Eastern American Plate and the San Andreas remnant land. The rest of the Siberian tail continued north and northwest.

The third player in the drama is the remnant land of the Pacific Plate. This remnant land is the western remainder of the part of Pangaea that Siberia was taken from. At some point in the far distant past, some continental land came from out of the west and was eventually tied to Pangaea through the process of subduction. The Pacific Plate was the passive creation of this process as it was formed from a mid-ocean ridge at the back end of this eastward-moving continental tectonic mass. Therefore, the Pacific Plate and the San Andreas remnant land were part of the same plate, just as South America and the oceanic crust to the east of it (up to the mid-ocean ridge) are part of the same plate.

Because the San Andreas remnant land was too high to subduct, the Siberian Plate merely slid by it. When the Siberian Plate ran into parts of the Pacific Plate that did not contain remnants (the Farallon and Cocos Plates), it subducted them. In fact, these mini-plates were actually pieces of the Pacific Plate that were torn away from the Pacific Plate because it could not stretch enough to accommodate these two forces acting in different directions.


While most of this book deals with the antipodal effects of large cosmic impacts on earth, this chapter also deals with the effects at the impact area, itself.

The impact at Chicxulub is generally treated as an event that did not change the shape of the land around it, except for creating the impact crater.

After analyzing the New Madrid fault, the Sierra Madre mountains, the shape of the North American Continent, the map of CAMP structures in the area and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean basin, I have come to the conclusion that there is more to the actual Chicxulub impact than meets the eye.

When looking at continental theory involving a "blob with a tail," I have had difficulty with two continents:

1. EURASIA - I concluded that this large land mass was the "vacuum cleaner" of planet earth, absorbing continents as the subduction process inevitably brought continents together.

2. NORTH AMERICA - A blob with two tails. One tail was Mexico and Central America. The other tail was Florida and the Bahamas. Furthermore, the largest earthquake in North American history (New Madrid 1811 & 1812) occurred right in the middle of the continental mass. What was this all about?

After looking at several possible explanations, I finally realized that the two tails might actually be one tail that had been split in two. The more I examined this possibility, the more I found that this splitting option explained other features, too.

The crux of this splitting explanation is the idea that the Chicxulub impact actually occurred slightly inside of a North American tail that curved down sharply to the Florida area and the Bahamas.

The Chicxulub impact is located today right on top of the northern "thumb" of the Yucatan Peninsula. When examining the shape of this area (including the continental shelf), we can see that there are several miles of land just under the water to the north of the impact.

If the impact was actually slightly in the interior of the meat of the tail of this reimagined North American continent, the force of the impact could have caused the land to move to the southwest (as explained previously, the impact object came out of the northeast).

This moving process would have unhinged a significant amount of the tail, forcing it to move along with the crater area. The top edge of the continental-shelf-thumb would have been originally located along the panhandle of Florida prior to the impact 65 MYA.

The energy of the impact forced this area to move to the southwest and form the beginnings of the Gulf of Mexico. Over time, the ocean rounded out the ragged edges of the gaping opening, creating the Gulf of Mexico as it exists today.

As the moving impact site peeled off most of the lower tail to the south and west, it also pulled down the western edge of the upper tail and the lower blob of Eastern North America. This action stretched out the Sierra Madre mountains and created a navigable (by land) high plain in the lower part of Arizona and New Mexico. 95,96

Furthermore, it stretched the land and caused a partial rift in the middle of the lower U.S. as it pushed that same land to the west. The rift did not extend all the way to the northern border. Today the rift is covered with millenia of silt and provides the base for the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, including the New Madrid area.


Most geologists would claim that it is impossible for rapid surface movement to occur at the site of a large impact. They would argue that study of impact craters shows that the area outside the crater remains undisturbed.

However, I am not talking about moving the material on the surface. Rather, I am talking about moving the entire layer of surface material as one big slab, leaving the actual surface material intact as a unit. I am talking about moving slabs of delaminated crust from a position below the surface level.

I am not talking about splitting the tectonic plate. I am talking about merely sliding layers of crust in a specific direction, leaving the tectonic plate intact underneath.

Let's first look at the less extreme example of the Chesapeake Bay impact. In this case, the impact is coming from the northeast, hitting into the beginning of a passive continental tectonic margin. The land that it hits has nowhere to go.

Even as the impact buries itself in the ground and pushes on the layers of earth from beneath the surface, this land cannot easily break away and head to the southwest. There is an entire continent in front of it.

So, in my view, this delaminated surface land is pushed up over the land in front of it, where it eventually comes to rest, sort of like a rug pushed up against a wall. The extreme pressure of the impact would help these surface layers slide over the lower rock by creating molten edges at the face of the sliding slab, in the same way that this occurs in deep earthquakes. 110,111,112,120,121,122

There is even controversial evidence that this scenario did, in fact, occur. The reason that this evidence is controversial is due to the fact that the Standard Theory attributes this occurrence to other factors.

The evidence itself consists of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the surface land in front of them and behind them.

In the "Blue Ridge Parkway Geology Training Manual," Robert J. Lillie explains the difference between the Western Appalachians and the Blue Ridge Mountains as follows:

"In the western part of the Appalachians, the rocks were originally part of North America ... while the Blue Ridge is a piece of the deeper, hard crust that was uplifted and shoved westward. Farther east, however, the rocks formed elsewhere and were attached (or "accreted") to the edge of North America as the ocean closed ... Rocks beneath young sediments of Georgia and the Carolinas are thus stranded pieces of Africa, left behind when the Atlantic opened."

"During the late stages of continental collision the sedimentary rocks of the Valley and Ridge Province (between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Western Appalachians) were detached from the hard rocks underneath and pushed westward. The strata were compressed, deforming in two different ways. Analogous to a rug being pushed across a floor (or squeezing an accordian), a series of anticlines and synclines developed." 106pg16-17

Lillie goes on to describe the debate between "thick skinners," who believed that it was downwarping and vertical lift that caused the mountains, and the "thin skinners," who believed that there was a long area of horizontal detachment that extended from the coast to the base of the Western Appalachians. Lillie states:

"The implication of this interpretation was that hard rocks at the surface were pushed westward tens, and maybe even hundreds, of miles over North America." 106pg18

In the late 1970s, seismic reflection profiles were recorded for this area. Lillie recounts the resulting victory of the "thin skinners:"

"The profiles revealed that thrust faults merged with a nearly horizontal (detachment) zone above basement rocks in the Valley and Ridge Province. Strong reflections from the detachment zone were traced eastward, entirely beneath the Blue Ridge and part of the Piedmont. It was thus demonstrated that the Blue Ridge and Piedmont were thrust westward in a thin-skinned fashion over the North American continent." 106pg18

A similar geological story is told by Lynn s. Fichter and Steve J. Baedke in "The Geological Evolution of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic Region - A Description of the Geology of Virginia. 107

Lillie attributes this horizontal movement of crust to long-ago pressure from reunion with Africa in the formation of Pangaea prior to 250 MYA. Fichter and Baedke don't discuss the timing, but it is safe to assume that most geologists would agree with Lillie ... after all, they don't have another mechanism available.

As far as I can tell, geologists are saying that we have a unique reaction to a convergent boundary here. In no other place in the world do convergent boundaries behave like this. In other places, convergent boundaries rapidly raise up mountains (which is why the "thick-skinners" took that stance).

But here, it's different. Well, maybe there's a reason that its different.

What if there were another force that could cause horizontal movement at surface layers of the earth? What if that force came out of the northeast at an angle of 30 degrees to 45 degrees and burrowed down into the earth's surface at or below the level of those layers and exerted tremendous shock impact in a direction to the south and west? What if that force were equivalent to the energy of thousands of hydrogen bombs?

All of the above questions relate to characteristics of the Chesapeake Bay impact 35.5 MYA. If, as a recent Princeton study claims, the Chicxulub impact hit with the energy impact of 2,000,000 hydrogen bombs, then the Chesapeake Bay impact, though smaller, probably had an energy impact equivalent of at least hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs. A significant portion of this directional energy could have been transferred to the basement area of these surface layers, moving them inland (and mostly to the south and west). It is likely that the original site of the Chesapeake Bay impact may have been to the north and east of the present crater, after allowing for all of the sliding involved.

The Piedmont and the Blue Ridge Mountains are mostly located to the west and south of the Chesapeake Bay impact site. The Blue Ridge Mountains end in northern Georgia. The Piedmont ends in mid-Georgia.

If the Piedmont and Blue Ridge Mountains were pushed up and moved by a collision with Africa, why wouldn't they extend farther to the south? Why would they be so truncated in the north? Why would they happen to be just in the right location and in the right shape to have been moved by the force of a large impact that just happened to be moving in that direction? see map 108

A recent article entitled "How river networks move across a landscape" by Jennifer Chu of Science Daily on 3/3/14 summarizes work by Willett, Mccoy, Perron, Goren and Cehn published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While this work mostly deals with the changing nature of river networks, it has unusual relevance to the movement of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Jennifer Chu writes:

"What was most surprising to Perron was what is likely occurring in the southeastern United States. While the landscape, which stretches from northern Florida to Virginia, has not experienced much tectonic activity for hundreds of millions of years, the group's map suggests that river networks in these areas are on the move. From their results, the researchers find that the Blue Ridge Escarpment is moving inland, and essentially dragging behind it river basins, slowly stretching them across the landscape." 130

I realize that the canon of geological theory does not recognize this sort of rapid surface movement as a result of a large impact to be valid. But, sometimes, you just have to question the accepted canon.

So, why am I spending the time to question this aspect of the geological canon when it doesn't seem to be very important to my theory? After all, my theory doesn't really hinge upon the events that occurred at the site of the Chesapeake Bay impact 35.5 MYA.

But my theory does have quite a bit to say about what happened at the Chicxulub impact site. I hypothesize that the initial impact at Chicxulub was somewhere between southern Georgia or Alabama and Panama City in the Florida panhandle, which would have been near 30 degrees north latitude 65 MYA, and would have been somewhat inland, but near the coast of Eastern North America. The Chicxulub impact would have burrowed down into the earth and moved intact surface layers from Florida to an area south and west of there.

Unlike the Chesapeake Bay impact, there was no continent in the way to stop these delaminated surface layers from moving. They moved to a spot near their present location, where they formed the nascent Gulf of Mexico and the beginnings of Mexico and the Central American peninsula.

Although I can show some elements of corroboration for this scenario, I did not have any geological evidence to show that this kind of intact surface movement had ever occurred in the past ... until I examined the Chesapeake Bay impact closely.


However, this type of large slab of material moving mostly as an intact mass can happen in some very large landslides. reports on the largest known landslide that ever occurred. Known as the Heart Mountain Landslide, it happened 50 million years ago in northwestern Wyoming. The article says: "The slide occurred when a large slab of Madison Limestone, about 1600 feet thick and over 400 square miles in area, became detached and slid down a gradual slope that had average slope of less than two degrees. As the limestone slab moved it broke into many smaller pieces. Today over 100 pieces of the slab are scattered across an area of about 1300 square miles. Some of these blocks are up to five miles across and many of them have been buried by volcanic material."

This huge slab landslide occurred without the help of giant amounts of energy imparted by a large, burrowing, cosmic impact. While I am arguing for a much bigger result than this landslide, I am also pointing out that there was much, much more energy involved

A quick examination of the Kara crater 70 MYA also shows some strange anomalies that may support intact surface movement, as well. According to paper published by Koeberl, Sharpton, Harrison, Sandwell, Murali and Burke entitled "The Kara/Ust-Kara twin impact structure; A large-scale impact event in the late Cretaceous," the Kara crater (with a pre-erosion size of 65 km) had a shadow twin crater of approximately the same size located in the Kara sea, just to the north and east of the Kara crater.

The paper calls this situation a rare twin impact event. To me, this looks more like a single event with a deeper impact crater at the original impact site, causing the intact surface to move to the south and west. The result would look like two separate impacts at almost the same spot. 129

Clearly this entire concept of rapid intact surface movement due to a large impact will be controversial. But I believe that it explains too much about the formation of North America to just ignore it.


Recently, scientists have done some drilling at the Chicxulub impact site in order to see if it contained the expected shocked mineral grains and glass spherules associated with the 66 MYA impact that killed the dinosaurs.

They found what they were looking for. But what is really interesting is what they also found, as far as the depth of the crater. Describing the contents of the drill core, the article in Earth-logs says: “The core includes about 130m of once partly molten debris (suevite) above a more-or-less intact granitic basement.”

In other words, the basement below the impact crater wasn’t that far below the surface of the crater. And it was mostly intact.

This is a far cry from the picture painted by Wikipedia and others, which says: “The crater is estimated to be 180 kilometers (110 miles) in diameter and 20 kilometers (12 miles) in depth.”

These two statements are incompatible. The first indicates a relatively shallow crater depth. The second indicates a crater depth that is is deeper than the Challenger Deep area of the Marianas Trench, the deepest place on Earth.

The probable reconciliation of these two views will come when geologists realize that the Chicxulub feature is merely the top part of the entire impact structure. Therefore, the actual basement rock in Chicxulub is relatively close to the surface, whereas they expect it to be much deeper.


A recent article in Live Science details radar views from space that allow scientists to "see through" the sea floor sediment to the rocky features beneath.

The floor of the Gulf of Mexico shows the remains of spreading ridges between the Chicxulub impact site and the U.S. shoreline along the Florida Gulf Coast. This kind of tear in the crust is just what one might expect to see if a strong force moved a big hunk of material from the U.S. coast to the south and west.

The space radar image also showed some tears in the surface underneath sediment at the southern edge of the Gulf of Mexico. Again, this type of tear is just what one would expect if a force began folding up the Yucatan Peninsula as it moved Mexico and the upper part of Central America to the south and west.


I have claimed that the Chicxulub impact object actually hit the Earth significantly farther to the northeast of the current Chicxulub site at an angle of maybe 30* to vertical. I then claimed that the angled impact of this impact object caused the top layer of the earth to delaminate and to be pushed southeast to approximately its present location at 21° latitude. I call this an "impact landslide," in that this top layer moves but remains mostly intact, as do some of the bigger landslides caused by water and the force of gravity.
This interpretation is supported by four important details:

1. THE MAYA BLOCK - The limestone features of the Maya block in the Yucatan area of Mexico are very similar to the limestone found in Florida, but not similar to other geology found in Mexico or Central America.

2. BURIED FISSURES - Recent aerial penetrating radar images reveal unexplained old fissures along the Gulf of Mexico … the kind of fissures that could be caused by a massive impact landslide such as this.

3. LATITUDE OF DECCAN VOLCANISM - Since I also claim that the Deccan volcanism 66 MYA occurred at the exact antipode of the original Chicxulub impact, and since the volcanism occurred at 30* south latitude, the current location of 21* north latitude would be off by 9* … that's a lot of polar wander to assume. A more northern initial impact site would make more sense.

4. CAMP REMNANTS - Some geological maps of the CAMP (Central Atlantic Magmatic Provinces) include a small area of the Yucatan peninsula. This could make sense if the impact landslide brought some of the CAMP material from Georgia or Alabama with it. Otherwise, CAMP material on the Yucatan is unexplainable, although it is possible that the volcanic evidence could have been scraped off of western Cuba as the material for the Yucatan Peninsula was being pushed to the southwest. Dating the material would tell us what the source was.

While these details paint a quite compelling picture to me, I can recognize the probability that they would not be nearly as compelling to mainstream geologists, especially since most of them would consider the latitude of the Deccan volcanism to be irrelevant, because they would not consider the Deccan volcanism and the Chicxulub impact to be related (as I do). Therefore, finding the original impact site for the dinosaur-killing asteroid would be of great assistance in bolstering my theory.

But, I couldn't locate it. I was expecting to find a "mascon" (a mass concentration of heavier mantle material) that would ooze into the void created by the penetrating asteroid, just as scientists find impact mascon areas on the moon and at the 250 mile wide impact area in Antarctica that probably relates to the Permian extinction impact and the Siberian volcanism 252 MYA. But, I couldn't find a mascon.

I couldn't find a crater, either. I had expected to find the bottom half of a crater or something like it, located somewhere to the northeast of the Chicxulub site. There wasn't any crater that I could find. I assumed that my lack of success in finding a mascon or a crater was a function of my inability to find the right maps or the right research.

It turns out that this last assumption was wrong. There was an answer to the problem, but it would take an entirely different approach to find it. This new approach involved onions … specifically Vidalia onions.


Recently, a scientific expedition did some drilling at and around the site of the Chicxulub crater. When they examined the drill cores, they found that there was no sulfur at all in the crater. However, they did find a significant amount of sulfur (mostly in gypsum deposits - Ca SO4(2h2O)) in areas ouside of the crater.

Naturally, this led to the conclusion that all of the sulfur within the area of the crater was vaporized. Using the area outside of the crater as a stand-in for what must have been in the area inside of the crater before the asteroid impact, they calculated that some vast amount of sulfur was vaporized and sent into the upper atmosphere as SO2. This is important because the SO2 would reflectively shield the Earth from the sun's rays and cause a brutal worldwide cold spell that would last for 25 years, according to their calculations.

While I agree with their work and their conclusions, I was struck by a completely different thought. My thought was that if the top half of the crater (according to my theory) had no sulfur left in it, then the bottom half of the crater at the original site wouldn't have any sulfur left in it, either.

There were two more factors that seemed strangely relevant here. First, I knew that onions cause bad breath due to the sulfides that are trapped in the little pieces caught in your teeth when you eat them. Second, I knew that there was a special area in Georgia that grew Vidalia onions, which were famously sweet, rather than piquant.

So, although it seemed like a long shot, I decided that it was worthwhile to explore the characteristics of Vidalia onions and how they might relate to an original impact site for the dinosaur-killing asteroid. Well, sometimes long shots pay off big. This one did.


So, off to Google I went. I found out that Vidalia onions are only grown in a specific part of southern Georgia.This area is roughly circular and roughly 120 miles in diameter.

I also found out that Vidalia onions are sweet onions that lack the "bite" that even normal sweet onions contain. People can cut up Vidalia onions without the usual tears that result from the the sulfides being released into the air.

Vidalia onions receive a premium price in the marketplace because of their sweetness and lack of bite. This premium price has led to the State of Georgia legally designating only a specific area in Georgia as being allowed to call their onions by the name of Vidalia onions. Therefore, when you look at the map of the official Vidalia onion growing area (see Site Location Map)), it is important to remember that the border lines have been drawn with one eye on agricultural reality and the other eye on politics.

There are three important characteristics involved with the growing of Vidalia onions. These are:

1. VARIETY - It has to be a specific type of sweet yellow onion.

2. CLIMATE - It has to be grown in a climate with mild winters.

3. SOIL - It has to be grown in soil that has a very low sulfur content. Onions that are grown outside of the Vidalia growing area are generally too strong due to the onion's natural tendency to absorb sulfur.


All of this is well and good, but it still doesn't produce a mascon or a crater … but it will.
Let's look at a geological map of Georgia and Florida. Almost all of Florida and most of southern Georgia is composed of limestone. However, there is an area of southern Georgia that is composed of sandstone and sand. The sandstone is generally found in the Vidalia onion growing area and also somewhat to the southwest of that area.

Let's remember how sandstone is formed … by subjecting sand to pressure over time.

Now let's consider what could happen if the original impact site of the Chicxulub asteroid were in the Vidalia onion growing area. The original impact of the asteroid coming out of the northeast could cause a huge impact landslide moving to the southwest. The surface of the Earth would delaminate, causing a significant amount of the top of the crust to move onto the continental shelf and beyond, opening up a proto-Gulf of Mexico. The material at the impact site, itself, both in the moving top of the crater and the left-behind bottom, would be vaporized.

Therefore, we could have a crater (the bottom half) at the original impact site. However, the crater would almost immediately be filled by ocean sand and ocean floor rubble from the gigantic tsunamis that would be caused not only by the impact, itself, but also by the opening of the proto-Gulf of Mexico. The tsunamis would have been huge. They would bring ocean sand and ocean floor rubble well into the interior of the Georgia and Florida coastlines and fill up the original crater site in and near the Vidalia onion growing area.

Later on, when the magma from the mantle attempted to create a mascon at this site of the original impact, it would find that the crater had already been filled by the ocean sand and ocean floor rubble. So, what we would see today would be a circular magmatic intrusion that was stopped by the ocean sand. And that is, in fact, what we have. The circular intrusion is seen on the gravity anomaly map, very near and actually into the officially designated Vidalia onion growing area.

The ocean sand in the crater, reacting to the pressure of the weight of the sand from above and the magmatic intrusion from below, became the sandstone that exists today … with a notable lack of sulfur, compared to the limestone rock that surrounds it. I include some maps that will help to visualize the features that I am writing about. These are:

1. MAGMATIC INTRUSION MAPS - These two small maps show the evidence of magmatic intrusions in the specific area near and including the official Vidalia onion growing area, based upon two different measures. These measures are magnetic readings and gravometric anomalies. The scientist involved with interpreting these results attributes the readings to a Triassic mafic volcano complex. Without any other contrary evidence, this interpretation would seem reasonable, since the volcanism is buried beneath quite a bit of supposedly younger material. However, I am presenting new evidence. This new evidence will turn this interpretation on its head. The new evidence will place the younger material (the magmatic intrusions) below the older material (the sandstone).

2. SITE LOCATION MAP - I include a map of the State of Georgia with the location site of two important features so that the original impact position can be easily visualized. The two location sites are: a. The officially designated Vidalia onion growing area in Georgia, outlined in pink. b. The site of the gravometrically determined magmatic intrusions drawn up in black.

3. GEOLOGICAL MAP OF GEORGIA - I include a geological map of the State of Georgia so that the reader can see that the peculiar sandstone area(as opposed to limestone) encompasses both the magmatic intrusions site and the official Vidalia onion growing area.

It is obvious from the Site Location Map that the magmatic intrusions are not in the center of the official Vidalia onion growing area. However, the magmatic intrusions border that area and some part of them is actually inside that area. Furthermore, the magmatic intrusions are all within the sandstone (as opposed to limestone) layer that is peculiar to this particular region. And, the magmatic intrusions are in line with the direction of the impact object coming from the northeast. It is possible that the angled impact and the large size of the impact created more of an oblong pressure gouge out of the Earth as it also created the impact landslide … and the later magmatic intrusion could have again infused the sand and sandstone above it with some sulfur. Or, the impact object could have been significantly oblong and hit nearly flat on the long side.

Therefore, whether the lack of exact match up occurs because of the political designation of the Vidalia area or because of something related to the angled impact out of the northeast or the possible oblong shape of the impact object, I believe that examination of the site will show that it is truly the original impact site of the dinosaur-killing asteroid.

The Vidalia onion growing area is truly unique. Now we know why.


The impact of the huge asteroid 66 MYA in southern Georgia was a complicated event.

Rather than merely punching a hole in the crust, the asteroid would have broken up a bit, and, therefore, would have had an effect on a wider area.

When we look at the map of the Lower Floridan Aquifer we find that there is a large area where the lower Floridan aquifer does not occur. It is as though it has been erased from existence. When we compare this area where the lower Floridan aquifer does not occur to a map showing the mascon and entry point into the mantle, we can see that the area of non-occurring aquifer is much larger than the mascon.

We can suspect that this missing aquifer is due to the impact. We can easily explain the large amount of missing material to the south and west as the result of an impact landslide which moved the Mexican Maya Block to its present location. But what about the still significant area to the northeast of the mascon? How did that aquifer material disappear?

Studies of hypersonic impacts show that, as an object enters the atmosphere, it tends to break apart somewhat. This means that, instead of there being one huge impact, there will be a slightly-less-huge impact and one or more other secondary impacts. These secondary impacts may occur just slightly after the main impact because their greater surface area to weight ratio would mean that the atmosphere would slow them up more.

Therefore, if secondary impacts were to hit to the northeast of the mascon, it is possible that they could move the material in front of them to the southwest in an impact landslide, thus lifting and carrying the intact top part of the crater to the southwest with all of the other impact landslide material brought about by the primary impact.

This would explain the spread-out nature of the impact area to the northeast of the mascon, as well as the reason why the top of the crater could have reached Chicxulub in one piece.


Although I have written about the delamination and movement of the top layer of earth during this impact landslide, I have not yet shown much confirming evidence that this delamination movement event actually happened. Therefore, I am including a map that shows the thickness of the Floridan aquifer system. This system runs from coastal South Carolina through coastal Louisiana, including the entire state of Florida. In effect, this map shows the thickness of the limestone layer in this large area.

The first thing to note is the increased thickness near the mouth of the Appalachicola River (just to the north of the words "Gulf of Mexico" on the map). Clearly the increased thickness in this area is a red herring. It is due to the alluvial deposits of the Appalachicola river as it has brought silt down from the Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains to the north over the past millenia. The river is big, strong and very silty to this day. Therefore, this alluvial thickness occurred much later than the impact 66 MYA and should be ignored when looking at the overall picture of an impact landslide.

With the Appalachicola River's alluvial deposits ignored, the map shows a clear picture of an impact landslide that slid the top layer of the Earth from northeast to southwest, leaving the majority of the rest of the actual peninsula of Florida in its original state. The difference between the impact landslide area and the untouched area in the Florida peninsula is quite large. Most of the untouched Florida peninsula shows an average thickness of about 3000 feet. The thickness of the area of the impact landslide is less than half of that. The picture looks just like what one would expect if an impact landslide had occurred.

I also include another map entitled: "Lower Floridan Aquifer." This map shows the chloride concentration in the Lower Floridan Aquifer. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this map is the fact that most of the area that I assume to be in the impact landslide area is labeled as "Area where Lower Floridan aquifer does not occur." In other words, in the area where I expect that an impact landslide will remove a significant amount of the top of the Earth's crust, there is no lower part of the Floridan aquifer … it just doesn't exist. And yet, there is a lower aquifer level at even lower thickness locations along the Georgia coast (see previous map).

How does one explain this situation without invoking an impact landslide, especially when so many other factors add up, too?


One of the frustrating things about writing a book like this is the fact that it is hard or even impossible to do experiments or make predictions about the subject. It seems that I am always talking about things that have already happened, but that I am seeing these things through a different lens. Until now, there has been no definitive way to make any predictions … and I'm certainly not going to try to conduct experiments using large cosmic impact objects.

However, when it comes to the original impact site of the dinosaur-killing asteroid 66 MYA, I can now actually make some meaningful predictions.

If I can persuade some person or institution to drill in the Vidalia onion growing area, above the circular magmatic intrusions, then I can safely predict:

1. FORAMINIFERA - Once the drill gets beyond the surface area (the Chesapeake Bay impact 35 MYA and the resulting tsunami as well as unknown others may influence the foraminifera content of drill cores near the surface), the foraminifera will be at least 66 million years old. This age can be determined by using the evolutionary track of these creatures.

2. MAGMATIC INTRUSION - The age of the magmatic intrusion will not be older than 66 million years, but it should be near to 66 million years old.

This result would be a significant and unexpected departure from the normal geological assumption that the volcanism would date to the Triassic period and would be covered by younger material, not older material.

This evidence should provide conclusive proof of the original impact site of the dinosaur-killiing asteroid to any fair-minded investigator. For those who might claim that this new impact site is actually the result of the asteroid splitting in two just prior to impact, I would ask them to show me a circular magmatic intrusion at the Chicxulub site. They won't find one. I would also ask them to reconsider the nature of the Kara double impact in Russia 70 MYA. It was probably another example of an impact landslide.







About 35.5 MYA, a large object crashed into the Chesapeake Bay area in Maryland from out of the northeast. The impact caused an antipodal hotspot that ran down the east coast of Australia.

At the impact site, itself, the energy pushed the east coast of the U.S. in a southwestward direction, causing the indented eastern coastline of the U.S. in the area of Maryland and Virginia, and gradually closing the rift in the middle of the country.

The rift, located at the Mississippi River and the Ohio River valleys, still experiences strike slip fault movement from the pressure to the south on the eastern side of the now-closed rift (i.e. the New Madrid earthquakes). 101,102


Now, let's ask the question: What makes this impact scenario more plausible than the Standard Theory, which doesn't posit movement at the site of the impact?

1. MECHANISM FOR NEW MADRID - The Impact Effect Scenario offers a clear mechanism for the cause and continued movement of the fault in the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. Without some kind of really good reason for the New Madrid fault, it is bizarre to have the largest earthquakes in the history of the U.S. occurring in the middle of the normally stable continental mass.

2. LARGE IGNEOUS PROVINCES - The map of Large Igneous Provinces shows a questionable magmatic location (it has a question mark on it) in the "thumb" of the Yucatan Peninsula. This is mostly questionable because it located so far away from the rest of the magmatic locations of the CAMP. The Impact Effect Scenario moves this magmatism location's initial site to a spot right next to the CAMP locations in lower Georgia and Alabama. 103 pg 4

Furthermore, an analysis of the Caribbean Ocean plateau by Keith H. James finds that the thumb area of the Yucatan has been tectonically linked to Florida, across the Gulf of Mexico. 57 pg 2

3. STRETCH MARKS - A look at a relief map of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean basin shows stretch marks indicating the movement of Mexico and Central America away from the Caribbean islands, Florida and the Bahamas shelf area. The pieces seem to fit together, with Jamaica, especially, appearing to be partially pulled towards the Central America area.

4. SAME GEOLOGICAL ORIGIN - Pelagic limestone from the Maya Block in Central America are similar in age and lithology to the sedimentary sequence of southwestern Cuba and suggest a common depositional area on the eastern margin of the Maya Block in the Proto-Caribbean Basin." 113

5. STRETCHED OUT AREA NORTH OF THE SIERRA MADRES - There is an area between the Sierra Madre Mountains in Mexico and the lower Rocky Mountains in the U.S. that is not very mountainous … it is as though that area was stretched out, lowering the mountainous area that was probably there originally. The Impact Effect Scenario provides a definite cause for this stretched out situation.

6. IT FITS THE "BLOB WITH A TAIL" MODEL - North America is the only continent (with the exception of the Eurasian conglomeration) that does not fit the "blob with a tail" model. This Impact Effects Scenario would explain this anomaly.

7. COMMON SENSE - Does it make sense that a huge impact that comes in at an angle would not have at least some angular effect at the impact site? If tectonic plates are going to move around because of mantle plumes, why wouldn't a huge angled impact cause at least some of the earth's surface to move?

As I will detail in chapter 2.7, another example of movement as the result of an angled impact is the Permian extinction impact in Antarctica 250 MYA. The impact caused the entire Old Australia continent to move to the south and east, with E

astern Antarctica eventually breaking off and moving south as the stresses from one-sided (not evenly applied along the whole length of this huge continent) forward pressure would not allow such a large structure to stay intact. 57 pg 2


While this explanation of the three plates which formed North America does explain the interaction involved, it does not explain the origin of the key player ... Eastern North America.

Siberia will be explained in Chapter 2.7. The remnant land at the San Andreas Fault has been explained. Let's look at the explanation for Eastern North America.

I contend that Eastern North America was created as a result of a very large impact at the end of the Triassic, about 202 MYA. This event caused the formation of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Provinces (CAMP) as a side effect of uplifting the new Eastern North American Continent.

Because the northern part of the new Eastern North American Continent did not fully separate from the European continent until 65 MYA, it has been more difficult to see how the process worked. However, we can find reasonable candidates for the necessary participants in this continental formation.

1. CRATER -- There are no absolute answers here. However, we do have a candidate. Looking at where the original hotspot was likely to have been and where an impact would have had to have been to be antipodal to the initial hotspot, there is a possible candidate: The Bedout crater, located just to the northeast of Australia. However, we cannot be sure.

2. HOTSPOT -- The hotspot for the uplifting of the Eastern North American Continent is interior to the continent and likely located at or near Montreal, Canada or under northern Lake Ontario. It is also possible that the initial hotspot was located to the northwest of either location and that the cracks propagated to that area and the volcanism started "squirting out" at one of those points (similar to the Columbia River volcanism in Washington State, where the Yellowstone hotspot, then located under the Rocky Mountains, couldn't break through the surface due to the weight and thickness of the rocks. Instead, the volcanism moved sideways to the Columbia River valley where it could break out). The entire hotspot situation is confusing, in that much of northern Eastern North America remained mostly attached to the European Continent for tens of millions of years. This means that the Eastern American Continent might not have started outrunning the hotspot until 60 million years after the creation impact.

However, there are very visible crack and split lines in the initial hotspot area that can explain the CAMP volcanism as the cracks propagated to the uplifted edge area of the new continent. The clearest crack propagation lines are the St. Lawrence seaway, the Hudson Valley/Lake Champlain divide, the Mohawk River in New York State and the basin structure of the Great Lakes, much of which is underlain by basalt intrusions. Even the Finger Lakes of Upstate New York might be the result of tentative crack propagation. As the propagated cracks released the magmatic pressure and uplifted and partially separated the Eastern North American Continent from Europe, they also created the huge CAMP lava flows. Adding to the problem of determining the original location of the hotspot is the fact that continued glaciation over the millennia has eroded identifying features on the landscape. 97,98,99,100

The unusually large amount of volcanism of the CAMP could mean that a significant amount of the pressure of uplift was relieved through the CAMP rather than being used in the uplift. This could explain the partial attachment of the northeastern section (Greenland) to Europe, as well as a possible lower-than-usual uplift on the western side of this new continent. 81 pg 22

A Mafic oceanic crustal western edge of this new continent could have resulted in subduction of that edge under the Siberian Tail remnant during the collision 80 MYA to 70 MYA at the start of the Laramide Orogeny (building of the Rocky Mountains). This subducted collision could have uplifted the high plains and built the Rockies as a normal continental mountain range from the east, rather than a uniquely strangely shallow-angled subducted Farallon Plate from the west. The separation of the pieces of the Siberian Tail as it moved north and east could explain the Big Horn Basin and other intermountain basins. 82,83,84,85,86,87

3. BLOB WITH A TAIL -- While the Eastern North American continental uplift did produce a blob with a tail, it is difficult to see this today because:
a. THE TAIL MOVED 65 MYA -- As detailed earlier in this chapter, the Chicxulub impact 65 MYA moved most of the tail to the south and west, as it opened up a gash in the midsection of the Eastern North American Continent. The pushed-over tail material lined up under the Siberian tail section of the combined continent, making the continent look as though it had two tails.
b. COMBINED CONTINENTAL MASSES -- As Eastern North America moved west, it collided with the tail of the Siberian Continent, which (with the remnant San Andreas portion of the Pacific Plate at the western edge) formed the combined continent that we see today.
4. CONTINENTAL MOVEMENT -- The creation of Eastern North America 202 MYA took a significant amount of land from Europe, as well as including some ocean crust on its western side. When it comes to continental movement, we can see where Eastern North America was connected to Europe and we can see where it ended up today.

However, this was not a straight line path. The collision with the Siberian tail (80MYA to 70 MYA) would have moved it northward and/or caused it to rotate clockwise. The Chicxulub impact 65 MYA would have moved it to the southwest, until the tail split and the western tail continued on its southwest journey. Then, 35 MYA, the Chesapeake Bay impact would have moved the entire plate slightly to the south and west.

5. TANDEM MOVEMENT -- The original hotspot location is difficult to determine. There is a good possibility that the Eastern North American Continent did not start to outrun the hotspot (due to the continent still being partially attached to Europe) until around 130 MYA. Given the likelihood that the original hotspot and the crack propagation occurred near Montreal and/or northern Lake Ontario, there is a clear candidate for the subsequent track of the hotspot. This track is the New England Seamount Chain. The New England Seamount Chain begins off the southeast coast of Cape Cod with the Bear Seamount (102 million years old) and continues southeast to the Nashville Seamount (82 million years old).

If we follow the New England seamount chain backwards in time, we find that this same hotspot built the White Mountains in New Hampshire circa 124 MYA and created volcanic intrusions in the Montreal area approximately 136 MYA. The Nashville Seamount was created 82 MYA. Then the seamount chain seems to end. However, many geologists believe that it continues at the Corner Rise Seamounts and then, later, across the mid-ocean ridge, with the Great Meteor Seamounts.

But, how could this be? The New England Seamounts move in a relatively straight line and then end at the Nashville Seamount. The Corner Rise Seamounts begin at 75 MYA and are located significantly to the north. Why would the hotspot change direction like that? The answer is that it didn't. Instead, the Eastern North American Plate changed direction. Somewhere around 80 MYA and 70 MYA, the Eastern North American Plate ran into the Siberian tail, which was moving to the north and west. This collision would likely have caused the Eastern North American Plate to be grabbed and rotated clockwise, thus moving the eastern edge of the plate to the south.

Because the eastern edge of the Eastern North American Plate moved to the south, the New England hotspot appeared to move significantly to the north, where it created the Corner Rise Seamounts (75 MYA to 70 MYA). At this point, the seamounts stop. However, in a location of similar latitude across the mid-ocean ridge, a new group of seamounts begin. Some geologists conclude that this new group is a continuation of the New England Seamount Chain, now rechristened the Great Meteor Seamounts. I believe that this interpretation is correct, although my version is slightly different. The standard view is that the hotspot is moving southeast. I believe that the hotspot is moving very slowly northwest, but that the plates (Eastern North American and Europe) are both moving faster in a westerly direction than the slow moving hotspot. 88,89,90,91,92,93,94


The extinction caused by the impact which created the Eastern North American Plate at its antipode, as well as the CAMP, was the end-Triassic extinction. The extensive magmatism of the CAMP were the primary driving force for this major extinction. But we must remember, the CAMP were created by the antipodal impact effect.

This was a huge magmatic event at virtually the same time as the Triassic extinction approx. 202 MYA. Called the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP), this region contains 300,000 square kilometers of extrusive basalts that occurred around 200 MYA. Moreover, "dikes and sills of CAMP that fed the basin basalts also occur across 11 million square kilometers within four continents, centered upon but extending far outside of the initial Pangaean rift zone" according to J. Gregory McHone. 54

The CAMP is located along the rift line that occurred between North America and Europe as Pangaea began to break up about 200 MYA. There are also substantial basalt intrusions and deposits along the African and South American coasts, which lead most geologists to believe that there was rifting between those two continents, also (I do not believe that there was any rifting here, because the South American continent had not yet been created … see Chapter 2.4. In my view, the CAMP that was located in and near Africa and northern South America was a result of the creation of the Eastern North American Plate ... see Chapter 2.8).

In the last 30 years, the idea of a CAMP has gone from an interesting theory to a pretty well proven reality. The ages and types of magmatism are now proven to be very similar all along this huge area. Initially, it looks to be a stretch to conclude that all of these magmatic events are part of the same mega-event. But now this theory is pretty well accepted. 55,56,57,58

The small difference in the cited dates (202 MYA for the Triassic extinction and 200 MYA for the CAMP) would be right at the limit of the stated margin of error, but it could also mean that there are some CAMP sites that are just slightly older that have not yet been sampled or have not been sampled in the oldest areas of those sites.

J.G. McHone notes that, although some geologists might favor a plume theory for the cause of this magmatism, there is no evidence to support this possibility, nor is there a hotspot that is a likely culprit. It appears that this magmatism was a result of plate tectonic action. He says, "Continental rifting was active 25 m.y. before and after the magmatic event, during which rifting and magmatism evolved into a spreading ocean crust." 58

Interestingly, all of the conversation seems to be about the CAMP and their relation to the Triassic extinction. No one speaks to the cause of the CAMP, other than to say that they are related to the breakup of Pangaea.

The only explanation for the breakup of Pangaea seems to be "rifting," caused by tectonic forces.


Although I agree with the CAMP theory in general, I believe that there are two important differences between this theory as stated and what actually occurred. These differences deal with the cause of the breakup of Pangaea and the relationship between South America and Africa.

As seen in maps of the CAMP, the magmatic activity of the CAMP stopped somewhere around the equator. It did not go farther south. This probably means that the rifting stopped at that point. 57 pg 2

If the reason for the CAMP was the breakup of Pangaea, then there is no good reason for the CAMP to suddenly stop halfway down the coast of Africa. It was already halfway down the Gondwana area of Pangaea. Why stop there?

I believe that the reason why the CAMP stopped around the equator had to do with the fact that it relates only to the creation of the Eastern North American Plate.

I believe that the South American continent was not created until 132 MYA (see see Chapter 2.4). Therefore, models of the CAMP that show the effects on South America are not accurate. South America did not exist at that time.

When South America was uplifted as a continent 132 MYA, it contained some of the CAMP material (Amazonia) in its northern reaches, because that material happened to be located there at the time it was uplifted. But there was no rifting related to South America until it was created 132 MYA and given a strong westward impetus. Up until then, the Pacific plate was being subducted by Africa near its southern end while being subducted in the opposite direction by the Eurasian plate on its northern end. This impossible situation forced the creation of the Nazca plate, which was initially being subducted by Africa but is now being subducted by Africa's proxy, South America.

While these important differences need to be pointed out, they do not change the basic premise of the CAMP and its relation to the Triassic extinction.

It appears quite probable that the Triassic extinction was caused by the CAMP. However, the CAMP were caused by the impact effects of an impact that created Eastern North America. Therefore, a cosmic impact was the root cause of the Triassic extinction.